Planning & Inspection Department

Planning & Inspection


The Beech Mountain Planning and Inspections Department interprets and enforces the North Carolina State Building Codes and the Town of Beech Mountain Land Use Ordinances (Title XV of the Code of Ordinances).  The Department is staffed by an Administrative Assistant, who is primarily responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Inspection Division by answering general questions, receiving and issuing building and other permits; Building Inspectors who are primarily responsible for interpretation and application of the NC State Building Codes and for performing inspections; and a Director of Planning and Inspections, who is primarily responsible for Planning, Code Enforcement, and as a clerk to the Planning Board, Board of Adjustment, and Tree Board.

It is our goal at the Town of Beech Mountain to always provide the highest level of service while striving to keep Beech Mountain a great place to live, work, visit, and play. Please look at our menu on the left of this page for more information and to access forms and applications. Contact information for our staff is located on the right of all pages. If the Planning and Inspections Department can be of any assistance to you, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (828) 387-4236 or visit us on the second floor of Town Hall. Please see contact information for specific staff on the right of this page.


Department of Planning and Inspections

403 Beech Mountain Parwkay,

Beech Mountain, NC 28604

Town Planner

Preston Yates
(828) 387-4236

Inspections and Code Enforcement

Michael Holland
(828) 387 -4236


Shane Johnson
(828) 387 -4236


Kelsey Wise
(828) 387-4236